Monthly Archives: April 2012

First I read an article on caffeine and reduced fertility, and thought, well this won’t be fun… I’m not a real caffeine addict (well, more the I-can-quit-any-time-I-want variety) but I am a tea addict. And by tea I mean specifically … Continue reading

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When I am someday interesting enough to write a memoir, the working title is Baking Cookies is Better Than Lithium. Never mind that I haven’t been on lithium in many, many years – it’s practically the icon of bi-polar disorder, … Continue reading

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Andrew pointed out that I essentially posted that I’m off my meds, followed by radio silence, which isn’t a good idea given the purpose of this blog. Still no crazier, just the same amount of crazy. Mostly I-want-away-from-this-job crazy, but … Continue reading

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Officially drug free today! (The drug that counts anyway – still popping 7 pills/day for UC.) Now things get interesting… or I have a very boring blog. About socks. Whimsically sockless!

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When I went to the endo specialist I realized that he was the first doctor to see my piercing. That makes my NP the second, and neither of them were phased by it in the least, unlike Judgmental Nurse. I … Continue reading

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Also on the topic of last week, the weird baby dreams have apparently started. Oh boy, I know other people’s dreams are as interesting as other people’s toenail clippings, but be glad I’m not writing about those too. Dream 1: … Continue reading

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I cannot call last week a long week – it was a perfectly normal-feeling length.  And I can’t call it a bad week without calling out picky whiny things.  It was just a mentally exhausting, totally ‘meh’ feeling week that … Continue reading

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I had to drag myself to the gym twice last week. It felt like a chore, or an errand, something that could (or even should) be put off until tomorrow. Of course after I went I felt better, or at … Continue reading

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