Monthly Archives: November 2012

Andrew this evening said, “I held a baby for the first time today.” After a bit of back and forth where he assured me that it was really his first time holding a baby, ever, he said, “It was scary. … Continue reading

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I’m going to update my ‘still not crazy’ mantra to ‘still no blood’. (I call this TMI-blog for a reason.) Day 47. Another feature of this Mystery Cycle #3 was a good ten days of spotting, half of which was … Continue reading

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I’m allowed to be emotional about election stuff. I should make myself a list of things I’m allowed to be emotional about for reference.

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I had planned to make a big deal about going off the pill, take a picture of the empty pack before symbolically throwing it in the trash. I should also know better than to try to plan something for show. … Continue reading

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