Monthly Archives: May 2012

The holiday weekend felt ill-timed to me. I want all of the Bad Stuff to be over first so that I can actually relax and appreciate it. Next in line for “Bad Stuff” is the second of two “luncheon” meetings … Continue reading

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I am often guilty on my blogs of backposting to when I meant to write something rather than when I actually did the writing. I’m even more guilty of building up posts in my head and never actually getting the … Continue reading

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Oops, I totally distracted myself reading my own blog history until it’s at the point that going to bed is more important than writing. I guess I’m not as boring as I thought. Or just easily distractable. A spammer tried … Continue reading

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Today is Mother’s Day in Mexico, since they go by the date (May 10) not the day (Sunday) like we do here. I bet that leads to a lot less “is it this weekend or next??” panics too. At work … Continue reading

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I wanted to bang my head on the wall in frustration yesterday morning, but I couldn’t reach it from the toilet. I just can’t wrap my mind around a disease where eating healthy makes you sick. I blame the whole … Continue reading

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Warning: Cat story ahead Last week Morgan got her wish and ran outside when I got home unnoticed. However I don’t think ‘unnoticed’ is actually part of her wish because normally she waits halfway down the hallway for me to … Continue reading

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I had a dream – nightmare – that Andrew had died. The dream gave me the feeling of being in a cop show drama, involving a hotel room and putting shoes in plastic bags, but plot is irrelevant when I’m … Continue reading

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