Monthly Archives: April 2017

Future Hypothetical Second Baby’s code name is now officially ‘Cameron II’.

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Having dealt with depression doesn’t make it any easier to talk to someone else who’s depressed. If anything it’s harder because I already know all of the usual platitudes are worthless, leaving nothing to say at all. I am also … Continue reading

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So ‘mom ears’ are definitely a thing. I didn’t wake up to Andrew’s alarm clock yesterday morning, didn’t even realize it had gone off. I didn’t wake up to him getting out of bed. I did instead wake up to … Continue reading

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I realized yesterday my anxiety about Cameron’s surgery has become an official issue, the kind that would benefit from professional help, if the whole thing wasn’t going to be over sooner than I would be able to make an appointment. … Continue reading

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[Edit: I just saw that I had already written the story of Cameron’s ER visit below, but I’m going to keep this post as-is anyway. Consider it a recap.] I never actually wrote on social media about Cameron’s upcoming hernia … Continue reading

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